Sunday, August 31, 2008

Guessing Life's Ambitions

Everyone has ambitions in their life, and aside from your own personal ones, you follow those of your children. Often however, these are a little difficult to determine. This morning I had a little inspiration as to what might be the ambitions of our cats.

Marley seems to have settled into the life of the alpha cat in our house. He has new found things to do such as playing with the others, going outside (we only recently allowed this) and, now maintaining the proper order of things in the house. He exerts his authority several ways. First, he sleeps at the foot of our bed, and although he will occasionally allow Lucky with us, he doesnt allow Powder Puff except up at the top of our bed. He feels he has the right to jump up and monitor the job I am doing in putting together the feedings. He has learned to stay out of my way when he does this now, and stays up just until he is sure that I am making HIS food, then jumps down to receive.

Im less sure what Lucky wants to do with his life. He is certainly the most outgoing of the bunch, is a bundle of energy, and has become a force of nature in the house. He still acts like an adolescent, so much so that Ive determined that Lucky's first name must be "Happygo" He certainly hasnt selected the life of a domesticated cat yet, although that will be part of his life. I could see him going away to college and joining a caternity where he would certainly be the life of the party. He is an avid hunter, but isnt a killer, and is one to be watched and envied, but Im not sure he is a born leader. I can see others following him by example, but I dont see him taking on the responsibiity of leadership. In the military he would probably be in the special forces. He might end up as a sports figure, and most likely it would be a rugby or lacrosse player. But I think we need a little more growth to see where he is going.

Powder Puff clearly has ambitions, despite being quiet and mostly meek. She also has a little of the devil in her, and is willing to play, but pretty much only on her own terms. I have noticed a few of her ways that leads me to believe that she has ambitions of becoming a super model. First, she is lean and sleek, and maintains her self with adequate rest and exercise. Second, she eats very little. She often acts very hungry but then doesnt eat a lot. She comes to the table acting ravenous but then eats just a little meat and polishes off the gravy. She wears dark eye (and nose) makeup although at her age it isnt well applied. But the thing that really set off the light bulb in my head is what she does first thing in the morning when all the cats gather in our room while I get up to get them breakfast. The boys watch attentively and prowl a little while I get dressed. But although they are all very hungry, Powder Puff walks right in and over to the scale which she immediately gets on and checks her weight. Its apparently so important to her that she stays sitting on the scale until I start walking out of the room. My assumption is that she wants to know exactly what her weight is before breakfast so that she can carefully know what to eat. I havent noticed any signs of anorexia or bulimia (thank God) except for that associated with a hair ball event, so at least it isnt to an extreme. Of course, she is the youngest, and may change her mind as she grows up - I know Im still uncertain.

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