Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Lucky Day

Today I thought it might be instructive to provide what I think is a pretty accurate description of a typical day for our cats. You will notice that there are the same activities that we all have in a standard day - tasks, appointments, personal time, etc. Because they arent people though, there seems to be quite a lack of pre planning (aside from routine events which, like eating, are important). SO here is my attempt to describe a typical day for Lucky, from his point of view:

Dark: continue prowling and sleeping as necessary

Pre-dawn: be sure Marley is doing his job of getting Dad up so he will feed us

Dawn-ish: dont go far from Dads room, and keep a wary eye so that I dont miss him getting up

ALL Sensors go to full alert for any signs of Dad getting up

Check in on Marley's efforts to get Dad up

DAD's UP!!!! Quickly let him know that we need to eat. Rub up against his legs to show him we wanna eat, ...er... I mean that we love him

Help Dad find his way to the kitchen... OH NO, why is he in that room with the lights and the fan noise? we may NEVER eat!!!

Heres Dad again, and he is going towards the kitchen!

Watch Dad as he gets the food ready. Be sure to be ready to get to any food that gets put down. Maybe I will be first !

Eat at last! Eat fast, someone might try to steal my food.

Hey, my bowl is empty, how did that happen? Check to see if there is any of Marleys food left, check to see if any of Powder Puffs food is left. YUCK! how can she eat that stuff, lemme see if I can bury it.

Time for adventure. Marley looks like he has settled down, so I think its time to pick on Powder Puff.

Surprise attack on Powder Puff, then chase her until she gets away

Surprise attack on the rug by the front door

Sprint around the house

Surprise attack on Powder Puff, chase her until she goes into her shark cage, then avoid her quick slashes if I get near.

Whats Marley doing? still loafing - charge at Marley full bore to see if he is ready to fight. He's not, so stop at the last second and pretend I wasn't doing anything.

Run around the house until Dad figures out I need to burn off energy, then adventure into the outside world when he lets me out.

[at this point I'm not sure what Lucky does. I will spot him occasionally but I think he just enjoys burning off some energy.. And there can be surprises. Within the last week he caught a small snake and did his best to avoid the snapping at him while pouncing on it, picking it up in his mouth, etc. He also was seen with a gecko in his mouth, head first, where upon the gecko must have bit him on his toungue and Lucky reacted strongly, trying to spit out a gecko attached to his tongue. Eventually he returns and settles into his routine]

Sleep soundly - repeat as necessary for the rest of the day

Wake up and attack Marley. Wrestle and bite, get away and jump back on, run from Marley then whirl around and attack. Repeat as necessary throughout the day.

Watch for opportunities to attack 1) Powder Puff 2) the front rug 3) the rug between the hall and the family room 4) Marley in any order. Repeat frequently.

Practice attack strategies - running around, climbing to the top of sofas chairs, etc, hiding under the sofa cover, etc

Watch for any time Mom or Dad go to the kitchen since they will surely feed me some more

Watch for dinner

[repeat breakfast meal time]

More wrestling, fighting and chasing with Marley and Powder Puff

More sleeping

After Mom and Dad go to bed, more sleeping and prowling.

So thats a typical day for Lucky, who at this moment is trying to hide his completely black body on the white pool deck at the intersection with a small wall as he waits for the dragonfly to get in range.

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